I feel like I am going crazy!!!! I'm in high school (16F) and I was never interested in dating. I've been confessed to by both guys and girls who I didn't relation have any relation to. There is this guy who I've been aware of but never interested him. Last year he was in a play and I thought he was attractive, nothing more. This year, second semester he followed my Instagram out of nowhere. I became close with one of his friends which made me see him more, still no communication between us. We were both at the same event together and I noticed we were talking a decent amount, that's also because my friends knew him and were talking with him. That night he started to send me tons of Instagram reels, also thought nothing of it.

We started just sending each other reels. I decided to participate in a club he was in because of a friend who was also friends with him. That's when I started really talking to him. We would just joke around; I can't even say what we talked about because it was very random. He found my snapchat probably through quick add and we started snapping each other as well. We started talking a LOT more and I realized I had some sort of feelings for him.

This all is very sweet but here is the issue, we both have experienced very similar traumatic events and have connected through that. I have struggled with relationships for that reason, and I believe he has too. He is a very attractive person and have never dated anyone, many girls have liked him, but I found out he has 'rejected' all of them. I do not know if this is because he is not wanting a relationship or if he just did not have feelings for those girls. I am too worried to say anything romantic to him as I do not want him to ghost me.

The last thing I want to do is make him feel as if I do really like him and for him to get uncomfortable. If I knew 100% that he does not want a relationship I would back off and remain friends. I am not in love with him, we have a great friendship but if I were to be offered more, I'd take it. Does that make sense?

He is a very genuine person and asks me how my day is sometimes which doesn't seem like a lot, but it means a lot to me. He does not text much online and he's very anti-social but still has a lot of friends?

I feel like there is attraction there. We are going out for coffee together soon but it is not a date. He has offered to drive me around places and that is also very sweet.

TLDR: I kind of like a guy but I am not sure how he feels about relationships, I do not want to pressure him into anything.

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