So I’ve known this woman Beth(f40) for a few years. I found her attractive the first time I met her but I never asked her out or for her number. My SiL is friends with her and said the other day we would be a good match. So she gave me her number.

I texted her last night and after about 30 minutes of constant texting I asked her out. We spent 20 minutes planning a date. Then she stopped responding to text.

About an hour later she asked if she could call me I said yes.

She calls and proceeds to explain how I may not want to date an older woman. I said she looks my age and the fact that she is 40 doesn’t bother me. She then said that due to her own health and family issues she believes it would be unfair to me if we dated. She also said that due to health issues she can’t get pregnant or really have sex. I told her I never wanted kids and that sex to me isn’t that important. I went decades without it so I never put much thought into sex.

I told her that’s for me to decide if I want to deal with that but I respect her decision and we canceled the date.

But surprisingly we stayed on the phone for 3 hours just talking. We both laughed and I found myself more attracted to her than before. I didn’t push for her to reconsider cause I didn’t want to demean her decision and autonomy.

She did say before we got off the phone that I could call her anytime and that if I wanted to hangout she is always down.

This left me confused as hell cause idk if she is leaving the door open to possibly a relationship or she just wants to be friends. If I can’t date her I’d rather be friends than lose her as she is very intelligent, kind and beautiful(in all aspects of the word)

I really don’t know what to do here.

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