Basically my bf has been distant lately and has messaged me much less and he’s aware of this too. He sends maybe a few reels a day, and takes much longer to reply to my reels/messages even when he’s online.

I checked in on him before if everything’s ok cause I haven’t heard from him in a bit. He told me he’s just busy with work and all but he’s been working the entire time we’ve been together and only started distancing recently. Then yesterday he brought it up again and said I was busy but that’s not why I wasn’t texting you. I thought I was gonna be bothering you or something idk.

But that’s strange because even during school when I was the busiest he never worried about this and now it’s the summer when I’m free + whenever he sends me anything I respond right away so I’ve never indicated I was busy. I asked what made him think he was bothering me/I will tell him if I’m busy with something so don’t worry/if he has any other concerns you can let me know right away. He didn’t respond to those messages.

I’m just getting the sinking feeling that he’s well lost interest but also doesn’t want to break up so just gives me excuses to keep stringing me along. Is he doing this and why?

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