We have been together over 6 years, getting married in two weeks.

Through the relationship we have had problems and issues about initiating going out. I am the one that always wants to do things outside of home (go outside to eat, go for drinks, go for a walk, go shopping, go to the zoo etc etc) so I am the one kind of forcing these things on him. He has said multiple times that he prefers staying home but doesn’t mind going out.

So about a year ago he got really into Warhammer (who doesn’t know what it is, it’s assembling, painting and playing with miniatures in a tabletop game of 1v1).

So now that I work night shifts every week, he plays every week and initiates(!) it himself. He does not play at home meaning he has to leave the “comfort zone” to do that.

When we spoke about it, he said it’s because he just likes to play very-very much and there is nothing else he likes to do as much, not even with me. So that is his excuse for not initiating things outside of home with me. Maybe I was and am overreacting to it, but I can’t wrap my head around how a grown-up man can like playing games with friends more than doing anything with his (almost) wife?

So now I feel like whenever we do anything together, I’m just going to think about how he would rather be playing and having more fun with his friends. I feel like I am just wasting his precious time he could spend playing.

Am I overreacting? How do I get out of the mindset (assuming I am overreacting)? I also did try to also play it but he never initiated it himself so yeah.

Tl;dr fiancé said he likes playing Warhammer more than doing anything with me. It's breaking me inside because I'll always feel like I'm wasting his time.

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