Have an ex who wants to keep hanging out as friends.

Literally breaks up then says I’m still invited to his friends sat party.

Wants to be friends with no expectations and see how things go… evolve? WTF?

am i crazy, or Can no good come of this.

  1. Sounds like he wants the benefits of a relationship without having to put in the work of a relationship.

    Less friend and more benefits.

    He wants sex but doesn’t want you to think he’s a dick for wanting sex. So he says you can still he friends.

  2. Let’s say the intentions are purely platonic from here on out – even if that’s the case, you won’t be able to heal and move forward (if you weren’t the one who chose to end it).

  3. Mine wanted to stay friends too but I cut him off. Told him he made the decision to end things with me so my best decision is to cut him off.
    I say nothing good can come from being friends with an ex. Leave your ex in the past and move forward.

  4. How old are you? Why did you break up? Do you have childrenproperty together?

    Look, if there was no cheating, or hard feelings, and you have a lot in common friendship can work.

    If you think it’s a way to potentially get back together, no

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