Bit of an essay, but hear me out:

Title says most of it. I have a friend of almost 2 years at work (he's 30, I'm 32) who, about 6 months ago, was going through some personal stuff & was hanging around the wrong crowd at work. Their bad mannerisms were rubbing off n him (emotional insecurity makes people pick up bad habits) so I kept my distance from the guy until these people were inevitably fired (happens all the time). During that time, I was hanging around 2 other people, one of them being a kind girl at the age of 22. When the troubled souls that be were finally out of the question he started hanging out at the table that me, the young lady & unimportant employee #4 was at & she almost immediately started taking a liking to him. It was the old, cliche, head filled with butterflies instant crush that middle/high school students get. This went on for less than a month until she asked him out (he was a bit of a beta male & uncomfortable with the idea of dating so she opened that door for him) & things shot forward EXTREMELY fast after their first date just 3 days later.

Normally I'd be happy for them & even shipped the 2 of them as an item (before I knew the age gap but that's later), but with a 22 year old making the kinds of impulsive mistakes & mindsets that late teen/early twenties people do (we've all been there & anyone 30+ years old should get what I'm saying), she's clearly burning quickly & entirely through the fuel of infatuation FAST & thinking/acting very impulsively. He's a guy who's never been with someone his entire life so not only is he keeping up with her pace he's not stopping to think if it's a good/bad idea to speed run through the early phases (a mistake I see a lot of people make).

Now I know this next bit isn't my business but they're CLEARLY jumping straight into doing the nasty after only being a couple for 2 or 3 weeks & acting like they are married & in their honeymoon phase. With the understanding I have between the kind of people these two are (& you'd be worried, too if you had it as well) this is clearly a bad idea. What they're in right now isn't actual "love" it's just chemicals flowing through their brain giving them urges that they're bending over to without hesitation–& I'm sure most people here know the kinds of bad consequences that can arise from this kind of behavior & decision making.

Once again, I know, it's not my business, but I've seen cases much less severe than this end in devastation (even lifelong consequences) before & they're both my friends. I'd like to see them stick together but not making some of the rash, dangerous, & dare I say stupid decisions that they're making. If I speak up about it to try to talk sense into them it will clearly backfire & they would likely (& justifiably) say I shouldn't stick my nose in their affairs. Still, I'm a very empathic & caring guy & sesing red flags galore with people I care about is a HARD thing to ignore.


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