I 29F was minding my business on IG a few days ago when I saw someone had followed me. It was a someone I went to high school with (Class of 2012) but never had a conversation with. Back then, I had dated her ex who is her now husband. My profile is public so anyone can follow me but I don't always follow back. I later noticed she liked one of my photos. I didn't think anything of it. Fast forward to 15 hours ago. I had a message request. It was from her. I didn't open the message but the preview said,
"Hey, did insert name reach out…"
Backstory, I hadn't seen this man since we graduated high school. We had broken up in the spring that year and I heard he got back with his ex (who is now wife). I left that alone. About two years ago, we were in a facebook group with our graduating class that was supposed to get together for reunion. He later sends me a message that he saw me from afar at a Walmart while I was home visiting my parents. I did respond to that message and we updated each other on what was going on in our lives. I told him I had moved away, he said he just had a baby. I congratulated him and wished him and his family the best, sincerely. It was really brief.
The last message he sent me was about a year ago and it was really random.
I'm actually in a relationship now and I'm not interested in getting involved in this kind drama. I'm not really sure what to do. I just want peace.


I was on IG when I got a message request from my high school ex’s (now) wife asking if her husband has reached out to me. Do I even respond?

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