Me and my gf are from different countries, she is from Germany and there is about 1200km from me to her. We've been dating for 6 months, know each other for about 3 years. I love her a lot even though I have hard Time to deal with some of her quirks (like messiness or being stubborn sometimes)

When we started dating I agreed to move there as long as over Time we would move to a place So we both could find jobs and had about equal distance to visit Our families. I'm trying to learn the language as fast as possible So we could move in together relatively soon.
What bothers me is the fact that it seems like she is not really eager to move and would prefer to stay in a City where her family lives, her argument being that I would make much more So I could Just fly to my family (the whole trip one way would roughly take 5-6 hours).

The second thing is that we were supposed to learn each other languages So we can be Able to communicate with family and friends. She said that she doesn't want to learn it anymore and gave up on that some Time ago.

I can't pin point exactly what is going on exactly but I'm starting to get worried because it seems like the effort is mainly on my side.
What do you think I should do to put it back in the right direction once again?

TLDR: I am worried about Our input into the relationship

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