I genuinely don’t know what to do here, I’m just feeling very surprised….We’ve been together for 4 years, my partner and I.
My 28f best friend is 35 weeks pregnant and we are preparing for her baby shower. Her family is generally very unhelpful and her partner 30M believes that preparing the things for the shower is “girl stuff”. So my very pregnant bf of course purchased and picked out everything, did all the shopping and store runs, some food prep, etc (I live in a different place and could only come the day before to help with prep). Now my partner agreed to help us out so when we got off of work that evening we drove down there and got right to work helping her. Where was her man? Out drinking with his friends (this is the night before the shower, she had called him several times). Also important to note he works in a different state so she generally does things on her own a lot.

Now as we are in there busting our ass he comes in the house, smelling of alcohol just talking shit. And he is slowly but surely pissing everyone off. He is antagonizing my best friend, telling her that it’s her fault he isn’t here, shes bitching, why she didn’t say anything (called him 5 times) I mean just a drunk MEAN rant to a very pregnant and stressed woman about what he can’t and won’t do relating to helping… I’m quiet for as long as I can but I have been her best friend since we were like 5, so eventually I spoke up and told him very calmly that it’s fine, I will help her with whatever she needs and he can go back wherever he was. Of course he snaps back at me and tells me he’s talking to her and to be quiet blah blah, I just shake my head and carry on. My partner is right there, says nothing. Doesn’t really bother me then because I know saying something at that moment would escalate. However, when we left, in the car I asked why was he so friendly to him after he spoke to me that way and he told me that I was rude to the guy as well…….. wtf??! I wasn’t and if I wasn’t he definitely deserved ANYBODY being rude to him and speaking up. There were two men in the room just sitting quietly and watching. How could you sit and listen to him DEMOLISH a woman, 35 wks pregnant, like that and I barely say anything and you still defend him even in private? Idk how to react to this

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