i feel like a lot of the time when i talk when ending a sentence it sounds like i’m going to carry on like i don’t know how to make my tone clear that i’m done talking or how to get to a point in what i’m saying for it to sound like a good ending i also have a really hard time of mixing up my words or putting words together when talking i feel like i’m a halfway funny individual but when i talk to ppl i’m so self conscious that i’m going to mess up just what i’m saying that i always do and then feel to nervous to try to make a joke bc obviously if i put two words together or mess up the order they are supposed to go in the joke doesn’t land and who wants their joke not to land ive noticed it’s not even just when i’m nervous about speaking it’s just a guarantee to happen to me i’ve tried to really think out what i’m trying to say while talking and it does help but not enough idk if it stems from low self esteem or if it’s just social anxiety in general but if anyone knows how to stop it from happening please tell me

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