So my gf/fiance, likes wants to be degraded during sex. Like wants me to say stuff that would piss off/offend most others. It started off little playful stuff like her saying "im glad i can take you now and it doesn't hurt" and asking stuff like "can you feel the difference since we first started fcking" every now and then. Now she wants me to tell her she is loose AF, and asking where her walls went and even asking me during sex if is looser than any ot all my exs. ? How do i know if she is baiting me to get mad or if its really just a big turn on ?

  1. If it is baiting who cares. If she gets upset you tell her that she literally told you to say those exact things. They weren’t thoughts you came up with on your own and just blurted out

  2. My wife loves it. She will say stuff just to make me mad enough to really cut loose on her.

  3. Degradation is definitely a big turn-on for some. Communicate about it and your comfort levels first. I like a bit of this and I forget a out it and let go once we’re done; it doesn’t carry over.

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