Firstly, I must mention that I am not interested in starting another relationship with my ex. It has been over 5 years since we dated. We simply remain friends.

He met Angela (not real name) 3 years ago and lived with her for 2 years. During this period of time Angela has punched him in the face, called him names and generally made his life a nightmare. She goes through his phone regularly and takes pictures of any conversations. She also put a camera up outside so she could watch him smoking and shout abuse at him.

Angela asked him to leave many times and eventually kicked him out because he wouldn't be bullied into having sex all the time. Since then she has demanded that he pays her £50 a week as he owes it. She has a list of every penny she ever spent on him and guilt tripped him into paying, by claiming she would lose everything she has. This doesn't make sense as she is paying her friends car insurance etc and basically living beyond her means.

She calls him every other day and demands to know where he is, what he is doing and if she hears someone in the background she wants to know their name. She also calls him at work and demands to know who he is working for and what their address is.

Angela also rang his other ex (who is now disabled) and told her to stay the fuck away or she would go beat her up. She found out this woman was in a care home and investigated care homes in the city so she could find her. Today my ex came over to drink coffee and eat some food. Angela rang him 50 times and went to his home address to ask his son where he is. She tried to convince them to call the police as he had been gone for 4 hours!!

I don't know how to convince him that this woman is unhinged. He doesn't believe they are a couple, but she obviously does, which is odd as they only see each other once a week. My ex's son has told him many times that Angela is abusive. I have spoken to him for hours about this situation and just don't know where to go from here. I know he needs to see it himself, I think he does, but says Angela needs him. Is there anything I can do? I don't want to see him getting injured because he has 2 grown up children and their mum passed from cancer. I'm also worried that Angela might find my address and come here. Do I involve the police? Or is this something my ex has to do?

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