Bit of a noob when it comes to things like this but I’m just wondering how sturdy the walls in flats are ?

I have very inconsiderate neighbours next door that are constantly banging doors and banging on the wall to the point my entire house shakes at 4am and I’m terrified that they or something is going to come knocking through my wall

How likely is that to happen ?

To add I have reported them on numerous occasions including going directly to my housing officer but nothing is ever done

Just a worried and anxious Tennant

  1. How old is your building?

    Modern flats (say 90s onward, unsure exactly) are separated by solid walls that you’ll not get through with a fist.

    Some older flat conversions have flats only separated by plasterboard. While this doesn’t meet current building regs, it is allowed if pre-existing. Those you can punch through without much effort.

  2. I can’t answer the question but I would advise mentioning it to your landlord in case of any future damage to your property, you would then have it in writing and not get clapped with some bullshit fee

  3. Not as bad as the videos you see of US “drywall” but plasterboard isn’t strong

  4. Depends new builds are just boarded and taped (there’s just a board,insulation and 1 line of plaster so you can not see the line where the boards join) and old builds are lath and plastered ( your walls got lods of srips of wood in it and then plastered over with horrible old plaster and probly a inch of modern skim ontop) but yeah old ones are tougher

  5. Report on 101, or if a disturbance call police, could be domestic violence and a person not able to call themselves or scared to for the repercussions.

  6. If you or the neighbour is a council tenant then contact the council in the first instance and if (when!) nothing happens contact the local councillor. Start by making notes of when the issue occurs listing time, date, duration, type of noise and it’s effect on you. Every single time it happens. This is what the council would have you do anyway so you can be prepared with a list.

  7. If it sounds like a domestic violence issue, you should call the police. Either way, you should make a diary and audio record incidents if you can.

    It sounds as though you are a council tenant. The council will try to fob you off as much as they can with stuff like this. They don’t want to deal with it, they want you to put up with it. You need to keep going back to them. Tell them how it’s affecting your mental health.

    Don’t engage with the neighbours, as this might make it worse for you, and the council will consider it a neighbour dispute and therefore partly your fault. Also, you may be required to give evidence in eviction proceedings, therefore if you’ve not engaged with them, you can’t be blamed for any of it.

    It might take awhile, and if you need advice, Shelter or your local councillor should be able to help you or point you in the right direction.

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