CN: poop talk

Background info: I’m a trans man and have not had any surgery. I have ehlers danlos syndrome, meaning all soft tissue in my body is overly stretchy and prone to injury/dysfunction.

I’m theoretically interested in trying anal sex. Most of the online articles I can find say that douching is not safe or necessary, and that if you’ve recently pooped, your rectum will be empty. Well mine never feels fully empty after pooping, and through my recent gloved explorations, Ive found that that’s because it isn’t. I always thought the rectum was a fairly straight tube, but mine feels more like a lycra bag crumpled up inside another bag. So there are a bunch of deep folds, and chunks of stool are always stuck in them.


Is that abnormal? Is my asshole unusable for sex purposes?

If this is abnormal— is there a specific phrasing I should use when bringing this up to a dr, that might cue them to like….. care at all? I’ve seen maybe 5-6 GI drs since I was a teen, and I’m 33 now. I’ve always told them I feel like I can’t poop fully, and that I am chronically, severely bloated despite pooping daily, and that my lower abdomen always hurts. They always do a colonoscopy, tell me it was normal and that I must just have IBS, and send me home.

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