Everytime I (m22) meet someone new I start doing way too mutch. After they get comfortabel with me doing this mutch I start expecting it too go both ways but HOW CAN IT? If she got used too me giving allot? I always end up in this cycle. I start feeling like she ins't really interested en I loose interest as well because I dont wanna waste my time. Its costing me money (resataurants, drinks, activities,…), time and energy. And I feel so drained to start with someone new aftewards.

Can someone please tell me how to break this cursed cycle? I keep telling myself that I need to stay who I'am and that I will eventually meet someone that gives me the same energy right away but I'am not so sure anymore. Sometimes I feel like when they see that I'am interested they stop working for it and let me do everything. What do you guys think?

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