My (20f) best friend (20f) of 8 years has recently started going on a dating app for the first time, which is great & im excited for her! Minus the fact she has now slept over at a mans house within 48 hours of matching with him, and before their first date.
Which is wildly out of character for her, she's insisted she's wanted to go slow but has repeatedly been sleeping over at his house for days, including leaving our friend whose visiting her, alone at her house with her family for 3 days, effectively having them babysit their pet.
Me and several of our mutual friends have voiced our concerns but she keeps brushing us off and it's gotten to the point where she has started to roll her eyes when it gets brought up. know she's fed up with this but she isn't listening to anyone & im at my wits end, i really need advice.

Extra context: I've been known to do exactly what she's doing but a bit of a slower pace (my 2 weeks before sleeping over vsrses her 2 days) which think is contributing to the fact she won't listen to me because she's justifying in her head that I've done the same thing, differences getting assaulted by the person earlier this year.

TDLR: My Best friend is favoring her current dating partner over me & our friends, and is acting very out of character & im worried.

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