Do I tell the girlfriend of the person my girlfriend cheated on me with or for safety reasons walked away?

First off, this is not out of anger or for revenge. This is an honest question about what would be moral and safe to do.

For some background, I recently found out my girlfriend is cheating on me with a guy for about half a year a while back. I found out because I noticed this man and his girlfriend were blocked on Facebook and she seemingly had no reason for it.

Fast forward a few months, and I see messages from him, reaching out to her. They travel to different businesses for work and sometimes cross paths about once or twice a month. He was looking to cheat again and even knew about me. I’ve collected hundreds of screenshots of evidence to outline what has happened. He’s trying to set up meetings currently with her to start this back up.


I feel morally obligated to notify his girlfriend that he has been cheating on her for so long and is trying to do it now. I don’t feel angry towards him at this point, I’m kind of numb to everything. But I do feel like I’m morally should tell her what’s going on. It would be one thing if either of them didn’t know, but they both knew each other partners, and still chose to do this.

My concerns and my reason for not telling her and just walking away is the chance of him becoming unstable and coming after me or after her. Although I’m not likely to stay in this relationship, I feel like he might get angry and come after myself or my, at this moment, still girlfriend.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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