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Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the Daily Slow Chat.

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Since I linked it in the other thread, anyone want to do the [prof or hobo quiz?](https://www.proforhobo.com/) Even though it’s not the first time I see it, my score is still 7/10. It’s not easy!

    I bought some potted supermarket herbs yesterday, so today is dividing and planting. And I think this is the last planting of the year! We managed to evacuate all the seedlings and bring them to their final positions, which means that my drawing desk is finally free. I will continue my LOTR art project today.

    My husband went to a new barber yesterday. It was apparently an Albanian guy, and not only did he get a dashing haircut, he also got his ear hair flamed. So, my question to the barber-going folk is, what “extras” does your barber treat you to when you go for a haircut and beard trim and such? And also, is using straight razors still common?

  2. It’s Election Day!

    Although the 2026 election will be more important for us, but I’m interested in the results, even if FIDESZ will almost definitely win

    It seems like there is gonna be high turnout, over 10% of voters have already cast their ballots!

    The leftist coalition has been disbanded, but instead there is a new party, TISZA, which is gaining a lot of traction

    The rest of the parties probably won’t have any significant power in the European Parliament, but we’ll see

    What about your country’s EP elections?

    Update: pre-noon turnout is almost 6% higher than 2019

    More than 42% of the electorate has already voted, higher than all of 2019

  3. I will go to vote now.

    Anyone an opinion on Volt? Seems to be the progressive way for Europe. Only Party which can be voted on europe wide.

  4. I’m enjoying a quiet sunny Sunday today, the EU elections couldnt be further from my mind

  5. I heard a co worker talk about how changing your last name after getting married isn’t convenient in certain professions (her husband works in academia, and that’s the reason why the hyphen name option for both of them was dropped. She wanted to share a family name). How do people around you deal with this issue (if you live in a country where women traditionally changed their surnames).

  6. I played my first game of mini golf in a long time yesterday and although I was a bit rusty at first (I was second to last after the front nine), I managed to come back and win with a dominant back half.

    To those of you who have played, what are some of your favorite features of mini golf courses? The one I played yesterday had water hazards that took the ball down simulated river rapids and had strategically placed fish nets for retrieval. I’m also a fan of holes with multiple tunnels leading to different areas, though this course didn’t have any.

  7. Literally every post final match speech by a tennis player ever:

    1. Opponent was great good luck in the future
    2. Thank you my coaching staff
    3. Love my family hugs and kisses
    4. Thank you to the organisers
    5. Crowd was amazing thanks

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