He said this to me on our first date; after we exchanged smiles for a moment. He then broke up with me a few days later.

What gives?

(For reference; before our first date we had been texting for a whole month, fell for each other emotionally, we even got into a few arguments. The day before we went on our date, it seemed like he didn’t even want to go on it (I think he was sick of arguing) but he still did.)

So what gives? Why did he say that? What does that mean?

  1. Unsure but seems like you dodged a bullet. Lots of unnecessary drama, and fighting in the first month over text? No thanks.

  2. I’m not trying to be rude. If you fell for someone you’d only texted with dating is going to be hard for you. Be open to being loved but put some guards up for your hearts sake!

  3. He was just looking to play around.

    And is continuing to play around by leaving you with unnecessary thoughts.

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