
So my gf (28F) and I (24M) have been dating for around a year. Things are going pretty well in our relationship, however this is my first real relationship, whereas she’s had several relationships in the past.

We reside in France, where I’m okay with it but she hates it and got the chance to go back to the USA where she grew up and has built her friend group etc. We earn enough money to have an okay life in France but can’t save as much (40/50k usd more savings per year) compared to the USA for the same role of hers.

She wants to move away to the USA
– For Money
– Her Friends
– less racism faced as an Asian and other cultural differences faced in France
Unfortunately I might not be able to get a work visa like she did and that’s eating me inside that we may have to do a long distance relationship.

We’re both very affectionate but personally speaking I miss her so much when she’s not around, and I cannot imagine having to work through years of not seeing each other.

Option A:
I go do a masters in the USA with no guarantee that I get a job afterwards giving the current market. (I’m a software engineer currently with 3 YOE) with the risk that I go in debt.

Option B:
We visit each other 4 times a year and try to make it work with the anxiety of not having each other around.

Option C:
She gives up her only chance to go back to the USA and I convince her to move to another EU country.

Option D:
We agreed she comes back after 2 years of saving some more money if that’s even an option

Option E:
We break up

FWIW she only wants to live there for 3-5 years and then settle down outside of the USA to start a family, however since it’s only been a year neither of us are sure if we’re the “one” for each other and need more time.

I’m just looking for advice from people having been in similar situations or just general advice.

TL;DR: gf wants to move away to USA for more money and I’m worried LDR is too tough on me, and want to hear of similar experiences.

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