I’ll start this off by saying we met 2 years ago over social media. I was scrolling Facebook and she was on my people you may know and I thought she was very pretty so I sent her a message. She replied later than night and we were texting back and forth since until 2 months later we made it official. We started off really great we had sex 5/6 days out the week and for about 4 months until she ended up getting pregnant, which she was told by doctors she couldn’t have any kids. Once she told me I was supporting her decision to either keep the baby and I would be there by her side or if she needed to, because of health concerns, she could end the pregnancy. She decided to keep the baby which I supported. In the whole pregnancy she was very sick and I told her to stop working and stay home and I would take care of everything financially. Issues starting to begin around this point while I was at work I would text her and she would take hours to reply and pretty much all the sex stopped after that point because she was always sick or didn’t feel well. In the beginning I understood and every time she was sick I would go out in the middle of the night and get her stuff for nausea or as time went on I would go out and get her whatever she was craving. We had some intercourse while she was pregnant but not very often at all. We talked about how I was a little upset about not having it and she said she was uncomfortable because of the baby. Then I decided that I just need to ride the time of her pregnancy out so we can resume a somewhat normal sex life again. She has the baby and I was at the hospital taking care of her and the baby to make sure they were alright until I had to go back to work the next week. Which we started staying at one of her families house so she could have help because she was still recovering. I would text her during the day and she would still take forever to respond to the point where we didn’t text very much during the day. We also agreed I would get a vasectomy because we didn’t want more kids and her pregnancy was very rough on her. I had to pay out of pocket to get it down and it was around the time that the 6 weeks were up so we decided to try to that day we took it slow and everything was okay and then we tried again the next day and everything was okay. The next week we tried again and she said it began to hurt so I said get checked out and over the course of 2/3 months I reminded her every week to get checked out and she just wouldn’t. She finally made an appointment and we tried to around the time and she said it stopped hurting so I would ask every other day or every 3/4 days and she would say later and when the time came she would say she was tired and turn around and go to sleep. This happened various times over the course of 2/3 months then we tried again and she said it hurt again. The previous appointment they tested her and gave her something but it came back. I told her to get looked at again and she has been but between then I’ve asked to try to see if it stopped hurting and we have a couple of times but every time it hurts her. My issue overall is that she is not a very affectionate person so she’s never kissed me first except for a handful of times over almost 2 years she doesn’t hug me first or ever seem happy after I get off work. Most of the day she’s with the baby and when I text her I don’t hear anything back for hours sometimes. When I bring it up she always said oh I was busy with the baby but when I’m around her and the baby she is constantly on her phone. A lot of the time she doesn’t do laundry for 2/3 weeks and everything is a mess. I ask her what she does while the baby sleeps because she doesn’t message me back, she doesn’t do house chores. She always said oh that’s when I make something to eat but most of the time she just eats quick meals which shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes to heat up and eat maybe 30. She showers when I get off work while I watch the baby as well so can’t be that. Keep in mind I try my best to help out when I am home I watch him while she showers and makes food and I play with him for a while at night before I have to go to sleep so I can get up for work. And when the laundry gets washed I help fold at least half of it. So I feel like I do my part in helping with him. Either way my issue is I get no affection from her, she never texts back, we don’t have any intercourse, she doesn’t do much housework and on Fridays when my mom takes care of the kid she’s out all day with her friend until 11/12 at night when she has to get the baby from my parents while I’m just at home waiting for her. On Saturdays we do hang out all day but we’re running around all day and don’t get any time to just be with each other one on one and cuddle and watch a movie. When I suggest it she just tells me oh I’m home all week and never get to do anything. The thing is she’s not most of the time I get off work and she’s not home she’s at a family members house and a couple of times she’s shopping at the stores. She’ll then get home late and we’ll have to both shower and by that time I have to go to bed so I can be up early for bed. I just feel unhappy in the relationship and have brought up the same issues over and over again and I’ve gotten tired of nothing changing. I will be honest when I bring up that she shows no affection towards me she says I don’t show her any so she won’t, but I have shown affection very often because I’m very affectionate but a lot of the times she blows it off. Like if I kiss her she’ll give me a quick peck and turn away or try to cuddle her she just says oh it’s uncomfortable and move me off. So I’ve gotten to points where I start becoming distant over it. Like I said she doesn’t text me back for hours sometimes even though she’s always on her phone, she doesn’t make time to hang out on Fridays and on Saturdays we’re running errands and doing whatever she wants to do, she shows me no affection, we don’t have sex. I’m sorry this is long and drawn out and I probably repeated things a couple of times there’s a little more to the story but I feel like this is already long. What should I do? How do I make it work so she’s happy and I’m happy

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