birds don’t count

  1. such a deep and phylosophical question, id have to ponder this for at least a week or 2 before i could make a real educated guess as to the best choice, ill return when i have an answer for you

  2. Maybe one of the ones in Jurassic Park because I’ve always wanted to be an actor

  3. Triceratops – always Iiked the depiction and drawings of them standing up to the T-Rex

  4. Stegosaurus or Triceratops because I can relax and eat the floor for nutrients and drink the river water

  5. The one that could breathe fire.

    Don’t tell me there was no such dinosaur, because you could not possibly know that.

  6. Does it have to be a taxonomical dinosaur, or can I go with contemporary giant reptiles?

  7. I kinda like the Ankylosaur. The tail club was a force to be reckoned with.

  8. Apatosaurus

    Long boi

    Still tall AF

    70-80 year lifespan

    Monch leaf, not pay taxes, shit everywhere, DGAF

  9. T-Rex because RAAAWWWWWR

    I see what you did there but they’re all pretty much just big chickens.

  10. Some kind of raptor. I’d hate to navigate the world alone, especially a world that dangerous. I would also be okay with an herbivore if it’s a herd animal.

  11. The lesser known Philosoraptor, still a raptor but I get to spout clever sayings.

  12. I would be a rare breed of dinosaur traditionally found scattered across 6 of the 7 continents, with no known presence established in Antarctica. This creature has scared children for centuries, kept them up late into evenings, and demonstrated a consistent inability to coexist with the modern day.

    Fellas, I would be a middle school history teacher fending off retirement.

  13. Raptor. T rex is out.

    Oh, he couldn’t masturbate because his arms are too short

    They feared him from Kilpatrick down to Galway Bay port

    Luckily he found a wife so he could have sex

    The non-masturbating tyrannosaurus rex

  14. Stegosaurus for sure, got some armour, got some spikes for offense. As far as dinosaurs go, might have an ok chance at not dying a horrible death

  15. Uh ima go with eustreptospondylus and laugh at everyone who tries to pronounce it

  16. Something that would be eaten in one big chomp so i wouldn’t need to exist longer than i needed.

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