What are two things still on your bucket list?

  1. I want to interact with elephants in their natural habitat (no zoos or circus stuff).

    I don’t really have a second one.

  2. When I was a teenager I made a “30 things I want to do before I’m 30” list and most of the things are still unchecked.
    To name two things:

    -Walk barefoot in the rain

    -Climb a mountain

  3. Visit every state, and visit six continents (I’d go to Antarctica but it’s not a priority)

    So far I’ve been to 14 states and two continents.

  4. Not approved for Reddit ears, but they know what I want. I have many though! Still waiting on my “castle” and my get away car.

  5. Travel to Chile and go across all the landscapes that are offered

  6. Always wanted to drive a dragster and I want to be the one to give my daughter her black belt

  7. Travel through Patagonia to see “the end of the world.”

    See the northern lights.

  8. I want a Cessna and an old 911 Porsche. I’m far too absent minded to be a pilot and no way in hell am I spending $125k on myself for a toy.

    Also droning engines puts me right to sleep which is another very bad trait for a pilot.

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