My boyfriend (20M) and I (19F) have been together for almost a year now and things are going really well. He is the kindest and most thoughtful person I know and I love him very much. The trouble is my friends (19F). I’m a very sentimental person so little things make me really happy. Whenever my boyfriend does something sweet for me I get really excited and then my friends will say things that dampen my mood. For example, two weeks ago my boyfriend gave me a jar filled with paper hearts and each heart had reasons why he loves me written on them. When my friend’s saw it they laughed and said it probably cost him $2 and that I’m too easy to please. They’re always saying that I should leave my boyfriend and find someone with more money because true love isn’t real. My boyfriend is definitely not rich, but he makes me feel loved and appreciated and he does spend money on me when he has it. I love him to bits but their comments make me feel stupid. Am I too easy to please?

TLDR: my boyfriend isn’t rich and my friends think I should dump him and find someone with more money even though I love him

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