After graduation, we went to dinner at a diner. Long story short, I started feeling really down and sad, so I left very abruptly and they asked me to tell them when I would came home. During my drive to my house, last minute, I decided I didn't want to go home, so I went to a park because I wanted to be alone. I left all my stuff in the car and went on a walk.

They called me a lot and started worrying about me. I didn't pick up any calls because my phone was in the car. They went to my house to see if I was there. My friend we'll call S started panicking because I was not home.

This depression and this social withdrawal is something that I can't control and I'm trying to go to therapy to learn how to cope with it. I know it's my fault for ruining the night. And I've already apologized several times to them. S went on a walk with me and explained that she was mad at me for making her worry so much and not texting her, which I completely understood.

However, my other friend, G has been super avoidant. Last Wednesday I asked her if I could go on a walk with her and explain what happened and apologize in person. She replied basically saying no and telling me I'd be "better off going with S" which confused me a lot. I don't really know what to do. And what confused me more is S told me during our conversation to just leave G alone and she'll "text me when the time comes" which confused me even more.

I don't really know what to do. G has been trying to avoid me and I've been even more sad because I feel like I messed up this friendship because of my mental health and me ruining the night. I understand why G is mad but I don't get why she's been mad for this long and I don't even know if she's still angry over that night. She's just been super avoidant and I don't want to lose a friend. I've been overthinking so much this past week and I feel like I've been going crazy and I don't know what else to do other than apologizing. She's been avoiding me for almost two weeks now.

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