The timeline for my child’s conception does not make sense and is dangerously close to when I was out of town for a whole month. Also my child has blue eyes when mine are brown, spouse green. We tried for six months prior to the pregnancy, wife was stressed/frustrated about the time it was taking. Recently we have tried for another child for over a year with no luck. Though I did not want to discuss this portion of the situation I suppose it is necessary to understand the full picture. What led me to believe there may have been something going on is She was distant at the time and we weren’t having a lot if intimacy. I can only point to one time two weeks prior to me going out of town for a month we were intimate. She’s done questionable things in the past around this time, stayed over at the neighbors too late, later found his wife was in bed by 8 they were out till 2am, skinny dipping at a pool with a bunch of people when I wasn’t there. Again no concrete evidence and that small event nearly led to a divorce.
I know the obvious answer is to have a DNA test but idk if I can bring myself to.

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