Me M19 started dating a pregnant Woman F21. I started out this relationship stating that I wanted to grow and if I was held back then our relationship wouldn't work she agreed to this and promised me that she would push herself to get her license, GED, and a job. I soon fell madly in love with this woman I would drive 4 hours each weekend just to spend time with her and get to know her. We had a wonderful time but what alarmed me is for those entire 3 months while I was working a job and training for boxing matches she would stay up till 4 in the morning, and sleep most of the day just like her mother. She wouldn't work on anything and just rested up while being pregnant claiming that she was always so drained which being a young man i didn't know if it was a valid excuse or not so i gave her the benefit of the doubt. I soon came to her after about 3 months saying I was becoming drained financially and emotionally and asked if she would be willing to get her license so she would be able to see me soon to put more effort in on her side. she agreed to this. Right around this time was valentines day/her birthday and she wanted to spend those days with me. I spent around 300$ and made the day as special as I could and all I got in return was two texts saying how important I was. While I'm very grateful for this gesture in comparison to the relationship i felt like i was doing most of the heavy lifting 90/10 when it came to maintaining the relationship so something a bit more would have been amazing to have gotten from her. The next three months consisted of her setting up appointments to getting her license and either having some excuse pop up or sleeping in or just not feeling well. in which I kept coming down to visit her and begging her to put more effort into the relationship. She then said she would. She would give me massages every night and started cooking for me. She has been incredibly supportive when it comes to my boxing matches and passions that I pursue causing me to fall even harder for her. I am extremely happy to be with her and am very grateful for everything she has done. She told me to give her the deadline of August 1st to get her license her GED and a Job and if she doesn't then we would be over. Just 5 days ago she had another appointment for her license and had another excuse and missed it. I Love her with all my heart and she is trying and has job interviews in place and is studying for her GED. But For Half a year she hasn't shown me that she is ready to become an adult. She has given her child up for adoption before even having her home for one day which was the right thing to do as everyone agrees but I'm afraid she was truly running from her responsibilities as she was hell bent on owning up to her mistake of getting pregnant and taking care of the child. I simply am scared that if I hold onto this it will become impossible to let go. Im so happy with her and i love her with all my heart but i can see that if the stakes were to get higher and we were on our own i would drown in responsibility when it comes to providing for her and i know i wouldn't be able to be the man she says she wants even though she claims its me. I don't know what to do and I feel like i'm in an impossible situation and i could get screwed over the rest of my life if she doesn't put forth what i need in this relationship. I just simply want advice. She has just started putting in an effort and im yet to see any progress or change. I don't want to get stuck with someone with no drive or ambition that it takes 6+months of begging for her to do anything and pursue her goals. But on the other hand i have developed deep feelings and see that she does care deeply for me and this relationship. Should I call it quits now. Hold on till august 1st and see what happens. or Hold onto this love that i have? I'm so lost any advice would be welcome.

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