I met a girl a while back, she was really beautiful, she was in college because she wanted to go to nursing school and she was a single mother. We started dating but slowly I started seeing red flags, but they were over a few months.

Firstly she was very materialistic, she had to have the more expensive things because she knew she wasn't paying for them. She didn't want the $50 dollar item she wanted the $100 just because it was more expensive that's it. An example she was raised in Monterrey Mexico, she loved the Futbol team Tigres de Monterrey, so I bought her a customized jersey with her last name. She didn't want it because it wasn't an official jersey. She said it was a China knockoff, honestly if you had put them side by side you couldn't tell the difference. Also, her phone broke and I got her a cheap one to use in the meantime and she got mad, because she wanted a brand new one out of the box, then a few days later it mysteriously broke.

Second, she had a lot of insecurities, she refuse to go outside or even to get the mail unless she had makeup on, a month after I met her she got implants plus she was looking to get butt implants, and despite she was probably 135 pounds she's "Soy muy gorda" (I'm very fat) and she wanted liposuction. When it came to me, she wanted to see pictures of who I was with and where I was at. I caught her more than once trying to go through my phone because she wanted to see who I was texting also she wanted to see screenshots if a female coworker texted me. Plus I couldn't do something as simple as buying deodorant without getting questioned about why was I buying that brand because apparently women love men who buy it.

Lastly, this was more like she was waving the red flag in my face. She told me if we were ever move in into together or get married, she has no intentions to work. Because the way she was raised was the man has to pay the bills get her everthing she wants, in other words she wants to be taken care of. She gave me a idiotic passionate speech about that's the way it's been in her family since her grandparents and she "honestly feel it has to be that way" for her. Of course my response to that was "this is America not Mexico" and "you're just too damn lazy to work" after that told bye because I had gotten fed up with her and ways.

What are some Red Flags for you?

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