What are you sick of people trying to convince you is great?

  1. Charles Dickens and some other classics, Avatar, Sherlock. Those are the first that come to mind at least.

  2. Joe Rogan. Elon Musk. Mind you, it’s all men who are trying to convince me that they are great.
    Yeah, no thanks.

  3. Finishing first. So many people bang on about how amazing it is to find a partner where you finish first.

    Fuck that I want to finish last and then cuddle and fall asleep.

  4. Work, I hate being around people and I hate even more the nonsense and the extra work I get. I don’t see the point of waking up in the morning and do a completely annoying job.

  5. Being a parent. I am only in my mid-twenties! Everyone in my family has been pushing me for years to ‘find a good man’ and start pumping out babies. Both the Chinese side and the Italian side. I guess I’ve not been fortunate in that regard. (I love them, mind you!)

    I have so many things I want to do and I am still studying and want to continue to study and learn and work and discover all sorts of new things. To be honest, I’m not sure I ever want to be a parent. I love children and I babysit often for some extra money, but I think that is where I am at mentally: I think I am a babysitter/aunt and not a mother. I know it would break my parents’ hearts if I said that to them, though…

  6. Acoholic beverages. I really don’t care for them, just let me have my sodas and coffee

  7. The current state of the world regarding LGBT rights. So many people trying to convince me that it’s totally fine people are discriminated because [insert bullshit]

  8. Romantic relationships. And marriage…and parenthood. I will ALWAYS support my friends with whatever their choices are in terms of relationships, but my choice is to remain single and child free. I have watched some relationships that appear perfect (not social media perfect, just life perfect in general) and watch the cracks slowly start to appear.

  9. Taylor Swift

    Peanut Butter

    Rice Cakes

    Peanut Butter on Rice Cakes

    Any Mexican food in NYC

    Espresso Martinis

  10. Having a child – “it’s so rewarding” “I love my kids, couldn’t imagine my life without them” “being a mum is amazing” – no thank you, my partner and I quite like our chilled life style and having money.

    Chocolate – I get it, a lot of people love chocolate, I don’t like it 🤷🏼‍♀️ when I disclose that information I get the *WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU* reaction or people react like I’ve come from outer space.

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