My bf (29M) & i (28F) have been dating for 10 months now. We dont live together so i see him 3-4 days straight a week & have sex every time we see each other. I have access to his phone & noticed that he watches porn the moment i leave & every day that im not with him. I also saw that his instagram foryou page was filled with half naked women. I've been okay with porn in my previous relations but the ones he watches are specifically of curvy big ass big boobs colored women & those are also the type of women that's on his foryou. Most, if not all, of his past gf/hook ups were also that type. So i instantly felt insecure because im a petite asian woman, the complete opposite.

I expressed my concern & he reassured me & constantly says that i am his type. He doesnt follow any OF/model/pornstars or any of that & doesnt look or watch porn during the days im around, so am i just over thinking it?

TL;DR bf says that i (petite asian woman) is his type but his porn history & foryou page shows curvy big ass big boobs colored women

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