And she confirmed it to me today. Literally.

Let me start by saying my wife is a wonderful mother to our children. We’re both great parents and great at parenting and there are seldom issues there. But for the past several weeks, we have been living very distant from one another after our last argument in which words were exchanged that I don’t think I’ll ever forget.

And also, the problems in our marriage certainly involve me and her both. I mess up and make mistakes. And by mistakes I mean little things, like forgetting to order something online or something like that. There is no infidelity or anything of the sort between us. There is also no intimacy.

I could go on and on to further paint the picture, but I think I’ve explained it enough.

Flash forward to today. We’re trying to plan to take the kids somewhere and she asks me to look a specific place up online that she’s been to before. She can’t remember the name of it, so I Google and have some trouble finding it. I say out loud “I’m having trouble finding it.” As I say it, I locate the place she is referring to. The website isn’t very friendly so I make a benign statement “I’m not seeing any hours posted.”

This is met with a snarky negative response “it’s fine, I’ll do it, you’re horrible at looking things up.”

I get it. Taking offense to that tone seems minuscule, but it’s the weight of the last several weeks and her statements to me frustrated me.

So I tell her that she could be more kind when speaking to me.

This is met with her saying that she is who she is, and she has never been a kind person. She then says “if you want someone kind maybe you should go look for someone else.”

I’m just venting here but does this sound similar to anyone else? What did y’all do/say? I’m at a loss because even if I stand up for myself in the slightest like this, I will be criticized and ridiculed and I’m sick of it.

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