This is just a post to encourage you to make that move!

I recently was really interested in this guy at a big party. I talked to him a little bit, introduced myself and he introduced himself. He isn’t from my city, and my coworker, who I was there with, encouraged me to go talk to him more, because he noticed I was into this guy. I still didn’t do it. And now I’m just mad at myself for not doing that. This might’ve been my only chance at talking with him and I don’t know if I’ll ever see him again.

So, if you are interested in someone, show it. Tell them. You’d rather face rejection than deal with regret. Trust me.

  1. Oh man. This sounds so familiar and yet I still cannot have the courage to express my feeling to others 🙂 I wish you best of luck my friend.

  2. No, your never supposed to tell. I have done this (or havent done this) 3 times. The regret and pain of not telling them is much easier to deal with than the feeling of the stupid ass person not giving you a chance because of their stupid ass excuses. Never tell. Never tell. Never tell. They aren’t interested anyway (directing this at myself)

  3. It’s true! A while back I met a girl and we seemed to hit it off. I realized if I didn’t ask her out, I’d probably regret it for the rest of my life. So I did, and we went on a few dates (but she was moving away very soon, so it didn’t work out).

  4. You have to learn to love rejection. Expect it. Approach people for the thrill of engagement, and shit out all expectations.

  5. It’s like jumping to a chilly pool. Even a spray of cold water makes you want to stay away from it, but forcing yourself to jump more you will get used to that feeling and start enjoying the rush of stimuli.

  6. once that happened to me and the maximum that I managed to do is to text her what I feel about her. she just … left that message read. she didn’t reply. I’m still really bad at all that stuff but the advice I would give myself back then is to do it in person, in real life, in that case the reaction would be different. at least, I think it would **be**

  7. It’s not toooo late, you could ask the host of the party, they prolly have his number.

  8. Last time I did this, I got framed as ‘Wierdo’….Tbh it’s blant luck if you get accepted

  9. Ha! So so true! Too many people working with hints and super subtle signs nobody would ever get. Playing hard to get and ghosting – such a waste of everybody’s time.
    I grew up in Germany where its very common for girls to make the first move because guys couldn’t be arsed less to approach or show interest.

    Rejections suck but at least everything is clear and you don’t have to invest more time and can move on when theres none to little response from the other part.

  10. Seriously. There’s nothing to be gained by playing it *too cool* or hiding it completely. Either gamble with moderate interest up front “I like you.” or flirt some in the usual ways: big smiles.

  11. I never show it , but adding in vulnerability makes people go after you . Vulnerability can be really outlandish humor or just putting yourself down a peg.

  12. this motivates me more and more to talk to that one stranger who seems so interesting to me. thank you

  13. It’s like my job interviews. I expect plenty of rejections with no explanations, but at least I tried for something I wanted. I can be hard though, because I think our brains register rejection as actual physical pain.

  14. And be made fun, called a creep, get ghosted, or hear “your a great guy, but…” Or “I’m not looking for a relationship”

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