I (F18) am dating my boyfriend (M19) for around 8 months now. He is a freshman in college and I am an incoming freshman in college. Note that this is both of our first real relationship.

He is incredibly sweet to me, has been romantic since the first week we met, and always makes time for me despite being a full-time student and having a part-time job. He has never shown signs of uncertainty and has communicated to me when he’s feeling like something should improve in our relationship.

but lately, we’re in that argument phase where we argue or bicker about small things sometimes, and we’ve had a few big arguments that consisted of our needs in the relationship and each other’s consistency— however it was nothing too grand where it determined if we were right for each other. Because we deeply do love and appreciate each other.

Tonight, we had another big argument and at the end of his paragraph he told me that he hated to tell me this because he knows it hurts me but he isn’t happy. (As of recently) We called eachother and there was a lot of crying but he told me the truth and said that this is his first time he is questioning the relationship and needs time to think. However, he told me he loves me, there is nobody else out there that he wants, and that he promises we will see eachother soon. I believe him— but a part of me will be shattered if he decides he wants to leave.

Is it normal for my partner to question or think about our relationship? If we’re going to be long-term?

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