I 20M and my friend 21F have know each other now for around 4 years. We have dated for around 2 years before but we split up due to her working and i was still in school. Now i started working full time around a year ago and we have talked on and off after break up 1,5 years ago. We didn’t talk for 6 months due to me dating someone else and not wanting to mess things up by still talking to my ex. But after i broke up with that girl we started talking again. And i just like her so much, she is funny and just general nice to be around. We have done some “dates” like going to the movies and going to eat. We have slept together and i went to meet her friends, just basically a relationship but just without the label. Recently she has been very distant, not going on those dates anymore and just seeing each other 1 once a week for a few hours to watch a movie at her place. I asked her if there was anything and she said she was not sure anymore if she wanted to date, she said her life is very busy rn. We talked about and we would keep doing what we do and see if the feeling goes away or not. Now past week she does not show any interest anymore, our text conversation are very basic and not much talk, i need to ask every time if she has some free time and i have to follow up multiple times in order for us to actually do something. I just miss having a partner, someone who i can share my things with and not worry about anything. Do i just cut things and move on or do i try and fixing things with her?

Tl;dr a friend that is also my ex have dated and am currently dating is again is slowly turning away and i have to make all the effort, i am not sure if she will start acting like she used to again.

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