How many pictures of yourself do you currently have in your phone gallery?

  1. Zero. I have a philosophy about not immortalizing beautiful things, including photos of myself. I paint graffiti, but I’ve never taken a picture of one; when it gets washed away, whatever was there is gone forever. I want people to think to themselves “I will only ever be able to see this right now, in this moment”, whether it’s my face, my art, or anything, yknow? I’ve never posted myself or anything photo worthy online, because holding back makes it mean more to me. It makes each day more immediately important.

  2. I have like 3k photos on my phone from the past 10 years. So maybe low hundreds?

  3. About 30 out of 147 pictures but mostly recent ones. I plan to make a dating profile soon so I take 1-3 selfies/fullbody mirror pics every time I feel good about myself lol. l want to have a good handful to pick from when I work up the courage.

    I usually only take selfies when I need to use them for something, such as this.

  4. 21. All taken yesterday, and all basically look the same. I was trying to take a good selfie to send to someone.

  5. Quite a few, like a few hundred probably? I have a lot of friends around the world and we stay in touch sharing photos of each other pretty often.

  6. Thousands. I love having photos of myself. I wasted my teens being self conscious and there’s zero photos of me.
    So I’m not making that mistake again. I have photos of cool outfits, me with friends, photos taken while travelling, photos to send to crushes and photos I took when I thought I looked hot. It honestly has only made me feel more confident.

    And I love having the memories of what I looked like at a certain period of my life.

  7. All of them are Ethier taken by other people or a selfie with one of my friends/lover

  8. Of just myself? I have a selfie folder that’s around 300ish or so that I clear out

    Of me and friends? Literal thousands, I go picture crazy when I go out with friends.

  9. Around 950 photos and 125 videos. All of them are of my family members (~800), my partner (125), and maybe 20 are of me.

  10. None. I don’t see the reason to have a picture of myself on my phone, I don’t want to compare how I look now with how I looked back then

  11. None. I never take selfies or kept pictures of myself, whether physical or digital ones.

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