My (F28) boyfriend (M29) introduced me to his female friend at his birthday party. I have a lot of male friends so this is not out of the ordinary for us, we both have a handful of opposite sex friends.

The issue is after he introduced me to her she texted him saying it was nice 'meeting his friends' and that they were 'really cool' to me this is a bit of a weird response because if you meet someone's partner for the first time, especially if you're friends with the opposite sex, you should say something like 'it was really nice to meet your partner, they're lovely' even if you hated them.

It's just odd otherwise because it's almost completely ignoring that you even met them, which screams that they're jealous imo. She also wrote him a really personal and heart warming card saying what an amazing person he was and the positive impact he'd had on her life.

I also think mentioning me is important because they often meet up just them and go for food / coffee so it feels annoying that she can't even acknowledge she met me to him / say a silly compliment.

*TL;DR;: my boyfriend introduced me to his female friend that he frequently meets up with 1:1 and she didn’t even say it was nice to meet me – I’m mad about it *

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