I’m a young man entering adulthood from teenagerdom, and I currently smoke every day. Is this really all that bad for my health? I hear conflicting views, I want to know from older, wiser, people.

  1. IMO it’s more the mental then physical health.

    Stick to vaping flower (not juices)

    Weed made me much more introverted, which I’m okay with.

  2. Daily smoker here – breathing smoke is bad for your lungs, period. Sure, you can do it until you’re 80 and be fine, or you can develope a few mutated cells in your lungs and die of cancer at 50. It’s just a dice roll and smoke weighs those dice against your favor a little bit. This is due to tar, not THC.

    To avoid this, I switched to concentrates, which has made my lungs feel better than they have in a long time.

    Now that I’m getting older, I’m paying the price for unexpected things, like a lifetime of coughing my face off. The pressure has to go somewhere, in my case it gave me hemorrhoids and a small hernia.

    What really got me long term is likely a combination of the massive amounts of coke I did in college and smoking cigarettes and flower. The cocaine was laced with a carcinogen about 80% of the time back then….that gives you bladder cancer. Tar increased my odds. I’m having a scope put in me in a couple weeks to find out if it’s benign or malignant.

    The safest way to use THC would be edibles, IMO.

  3. Smoking anything is bad for your health. It isn’t natural to inhale smoke and over time it will damage your body. Some substances worse than others obviously, but don’t listen to people that say it does nothing to you.

    Btw i think Marijuana is way less harmful than cigarettes or even alcohol if used in moderation or not smoked.

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