me and my bf have been together for 6 years. he is 23M turning 24M in september and i will be turning 25F in a few days and he works in a hospital as a security guard that has a nursing school attatched to it with a campus and dorms. my reason for making the post is because i was putting on his shorts that he throws on to go to the store and i went in the pocket and found a heart shaped paper that looks like it was made by someone. nothing special but the fact that someone would have to take time to make it is what’s throwing me off. I asked him where did it come from and he said that a girl from the pediatric unit was handing them out. I believed it but then i started to think. the way his job works they give them multiple pairs of uniforms and wash them so that the employees don’t have to wear their hospital clothes home. the problem with that is when he got this piece of paper he had to have taken it from his work pants, transferred it to his pants pocket that he went to work in, then transferred it into his shorts pocket. Am i crazy or does it sound like he got this paper from someone he may care about ? am i being childish ?

TL;DR: This is only my second post so please bare with me. If anyone needs anymore context before answering the question please comment your questions.

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