I'm not asking if you would take it, that question has been asked a million times, i'm asking about a scenario in which it existed and men were taking it.

For example unplaned pregnancies, somtimes its because of lies and deciet and sotimes its just a legitimate accident, she forgot to take the pill or the contraception just failed, that does actually happen. But if a women becomes pregnant after sleeping with a guy on the pill, will "i forgot to take it" or "i did take it, it must of just failed" be accepted, or will it be treated the same as stelthing ( taking condom off mid sex without the other persons knowledge)? i.e a criminal offence, how would you even prove it?

And what about birthrate, i often wonder what percentage of us are "whoopsie" babies, not in a negative way, but plenty of people are good loving parents to kids they never intended to have, if birthrates are decreasing and you decrease the number of unplaned babies aswell, are you just speed running society into south korea+ mode? does that mean government incentives like actully PAYING people to have kids? what about immigration? tax burden of upside down demographic pyramid, women complaining because they want to start a family but boyfriend wont come off the pill lol

But in all seriousness, i know this is a bit deep, over thinking it, but the discourse around the female contraceptive pill is so much deeper, it touches on the indervidual, the family, the community, society as a whole. But whenever we talk about male contraception, the conversation seems so superficial, i mean even if it is years/decades away, how far away is a 'majority automated economy', decades? but will still have a deep, thought out and wide rangeing conversation about things like fully automated factories and what that means for society.

I think if we find ourselves in a situation where a significant amount, if not the majority of men in a society can say "sure i'll still use a condom to avoid STDs and to stay safe, but i am 99% certain that i will never have an unplaned baby, doesn't matter if the condom breaks, if it was a drunken 1 night stand, if she forgot to take the pill, no sir im 99% certain it aint happening, the only way i am having a child is if i'm a proactivlely trying to have a child, no 'whoopses' for me" then, personally, i think this will have an impact on siciety that is as big as if not bigger then the invention of the pill in the 60s, its just we never take time to deep it like we do with other technological breakthroughs.

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