My gf of almost 2 years asks me every day to every other day “what is wrong” or “why do you seem irritated” and it annoys the absolute piss out of me. I have told her before the ONE way to urk my soul is to accuse me of being irritated or mad when I’m genuinely NOT at all..

For example, today we got home from work around the same time, I was using the restroom and she was in the bedroom talking to me and randomly just asks me “what is wrong” when I did nothing different, no voice change or anything like that so I told her “nothing is wrong”. 15 mins later I’m literally laying on the couch scrolling the web, not making a peep or saying a word, and she comes out and says “what is wrong you seem irritated” and I just blew up because NOTHING is wrong, I’m literally laying on the couch, how can you be irratated doing that..?

This has been going on for over a year now and I tell her all the time I will always tell her if something is wrong. I just don’t know what the fuck to do or say to get her to stop asking me that or accusing me of acting or being a way I’m not. Any advice or help on how to deal with this?

TLDR: GF hounds me all the time for being irritated when I’m not and it annoys me so much now I don’t know how to handle it.

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