Bf and I have been together for 10 years. We’re in our early 30s. We started dating when we were really young, and this is gonna sound weird, but it feels like our adult relationship didn’t start until just a few years ago. He still lives with his parents and has a really good job while I’ve been on my own for about a decade. In our culture it’s pretty normal to still live with parents at our age, until you’re ready to move out or get married. He has never experienced being alone, having to make important life decisions, not having to tell anyone where he’s going and what he’s doing, or having constant financial responsibilities every month. Financially though, he’s okay since he’s been able to save up, not having to pay for rent and all that stuff.
The topic of moving in came up and he said he wants to live alone first before moving in with me because he wants to learn how to live without depending on anyone and he doesn’t want to put the responsibility on me to teach him, but I can’t help but think “Wouldn’t you want someone there to help you instead of struggling?” Since I’ve been on my own, I’m ready to move in with him. I know he has good reasons, but I guess there’s a part of me that feels moving in together may never happen considering we’ve been together for so long. Like if not now, then when? I guess I’m just so used to couples living together regardless of how long they’ve been dating and think that’s how it should be.

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