Hi! To anyone who came relate with struggles of envy feelings (those who overcome it or is working on overcoming it) do you think envy can really be turned into inspiration much like how most of media suggest about how to deal with it or is it just a way to cope and fool ourselves?

I spent quite a long time now trying to understand why i feel envy and in my search for answers and application of those i’ve found i find myself questioning it more rather than feeling this sense of freedom that it’s the answer that makes sense. Although everything has contributed to me understanding more of the why possibilities… i find myself dumbfounded and suffocated by all the that i’ve read and nothing has satisfied me yet for a long term that it makes me feel insane because surely if it’s been studied they are right right?

I would love to hear your thoughts, experiences, observations about why you feel envious of certain people. Thank you!

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