I was kind of seeing a woman about a month ago. She decided to go with another guy. No worries and I understood. She asked me if we could still run together(which is how we met) and maybe just be friends and I declined.

Today I went with my dog and myself to an outside concert. I walked to the back and sat down with my dog. A minute or two later I heard said girl start talking to someone and she is maybe 5 ft. Away sitting from me.

Not sure why but I panicked and got up. I walked by her and decided it was a good idea to interrupt her conversation and tell her” sorry didn’t see you sitting there.” I got no response, just a weird look l didn’t want her to think i tried sit right by her as i legit didn’t see her, didn’ know she was there. It was super awkward and weird.

I just walked away. I’m not sure why I’m like this. But when I panic I get super weird especially if I’m attracted to a woman. Wish there was a hole I could crawl in and die. Is it as bad as I think? Do I just leave it? I live in a small town and will see her again? Do I just ignore her? Not looking to date just don’t want a creep tag.

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