I updated my last post about moving my husband into a separate room. I tried to have a conversation last night and things just got worse and worse. But basically he says he resents me for something that happened 5 years ago and can’t move past it. He doesn’t know where his life is going and he doesn’t have the strength to work on our marriage. All the wild telling me he doesn’t know if he wants a divorce, separation, or to stay together. I have come to the realization that he is depressed. But since he doesn’t want to get help there is nothing I can do.

So, I told him that I can’t keep going on the way we have been. We don’t talk, touch, do anything together but sleep in the same bed. But, having him so close to me, but being unable to touch, love, talk, spend any time together has been taking a toll on my mental health. So I told him I was moving him into the kids room and the kids can share a room. I told him, I hope he finds what he is looking for and his happiness but I could no longer continue the way we are and moved his stuff.

Now, I see all his spots empty and I want to cry every time I see his stuff gone. Yes, he is down the hall. But after spending 24 years with someone in the same room, it hurts hard. I hope I can stay strong. Focus on me and my kids. And find a way for me to be happy again.

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