In your experience which states most and least strictly enforce speed limits?

  1. All I know is speed limits are merely a suggested minimum in California. If you’re going 80 in a 65 you’re going to have people behind you frustrated you are holding up traffic, including the highway patrol.

  2. Don’t speed in Wisconsin if you have Illinois plates. Don’t speed excessively in Wisconsin if you have Minnesota plates. (They’ll nail Minnesotans, but they really enjoy nailing the FIBs/FISH.)

  3. In Connecticut it’s normal (not saying safe) for traffic in the right lane to be going 10-15 mph over the speed limit, and the other lanes faster. I’ve been passed by people in a neighborhood for going 30 in a 25 mph zone, and tbh the year I spent living there ruined driving for me.

  4. Virginia and North Carolina cops are notorious for hiding to catch people speeding

  5. As a former trucker, Ohio is crawling with bears, county mounties, and local yokels. Hell they even got bears in the air

  6. Small towns in Indiana and Ohio are super strict. Not as much in the bigger cities.

  7. As an Arizonan, what’s a speed limit? The local joke in Phoenix is you have to be traveling at least the speed the highway’s named: 101, 202, 303

  8. Kentucky I’ve been stopped for going 10 over and had cops fly past me while going 90. Usually though its safe to just ride with the flow of traffic

  9. In my opinion, Virginia is the most militant about speeding. I got a ticket for 67 in a 65 years back. Don’t speed in Virginia. Don’t even think about smuggling in a radar detector.

  10. Virginia is definitely going to pull you over if you are doing more than like 5 over the limit. For the most part the northeastern US is a free for all just go with the flow of traffic

  11. Ohio is the strictest I have encountered. Those staties will pull you over for 5 over even if it’s with the flow of traffic.

  12. South Eastern Ohio strongly enforces speed limits. Mostly because there is not a big population so the cops literally have nothing better to do and speeding tickets make money for the small town they work for.

    Get near the cities and no one gives a shit.

  13. I know PA used to be awful – and they were one of if not the last state to break 55MPH as their max limit. Driving cross country back in the day for 4 days going 70-80 (with limits at 65 or more) then needing to ensure you don’t go a hair above 58 SUCKED.

    Here in Texas it’s more about small town vs city. Houston, Dallas, Austin – 10-15 MPH is often the norm.

    But don’t you get caught slowing down to only 32 when the 55 or 65mph suddenly drops to 25… a ton of small towns utilize speeders as a key source of revenue (and those additional stops let them find reasons for crimes so they can legally steal your car and its contents)

  14. I’ve never been to Virginia but in my experience Ohio is a really big speed trap. The only place I’ve ever gotten a speeding ticket, and I’ve seen a lot of cars pulled over there. I lived in Michigan, where the speed limit is higher than it is in Ohio and the cops would camp out by the state line and snag people as soon as they crossed over.

    You really have to be doing something wild to get a speeding ticket in California.

    Edit: there’s something wrong with me that I feel a need to make this edit but actually I HAVE been to Virginia, I just haven’t DRIVEN there.

  15. In 70mph zones of Florida Highways outside of major metro areas, they will usually not pull you over unless you are going >89. That +20mph threshold is the fine amount threshold.

  16. I don’t know, but keeping it five over the stated limit seems to work everywhere. Never got pulled over while doing that.

  17. I’ve only been pulled over once in my life and it was in Virginia for speeding during the 2 years I lived there. I was more than 15 over so they could have hit me with reckless driving which would have been a criminal offense, but they were lenient and kept it at just a traffic court offense with a ticket.

    DC on the other hand has very little enforcement. They do have speed cameras that will ticket you, but lots of people ignore them without consequences.

  18. California and Iowa

    I swear **California** speed limits are just minimum speed signs. Everyone is easily going 85 in a 75 and this includes cops. They don’t really seem to care as long as you’re not driving crazy. However, this only really applies to highways.

    **Iowa** is extremely strict with speed limits. If you are more that 2mph over you will get pulled over. I got 2 tickets one at 68 in a 65 and the other at 57 in a 55. It isn’t just spending, but they are strict with all traffic laws. If you don’t fully stop at a stop light or dont have your blinker on long enough while switching lanes they will pull you over.

    **montana** is another weird one. They have really fast speed limits and are pretty flexible if you go 5mph over. However, they are extremely stict in town or getting close to town, so you can to pay attention to when the speed drops to 45mph. However, if you are outside of town they do t really care what you do.

  19. In Michigan, the golden rule is 9 you’re fine, 10 you’re mine. Some roads are exempt from this unwritten rule though, especially I-94 and Southfield Freeway through Detroit. If you aren’t going at least 80, you will make people mad and maybe get run off the road. The posted speed limit in both areas is 55MPH.

  20. Here in Texas if the speed limit is 60 and you’re doing 70, that’s still too slow. Even the cops will sometimes tailgate you or even swerve around you sometimes.

  21. People be doing 85 on 55mph highways as the standard in Miami and most of Florida, they’re pretty unenforced on roads like that. If you go 55 you’ll simply be run over and it’s more of a hazard than speeding with everyone else

  22. I’ve never seen anyone pulled over doing under 80 in a 65 in Massachusetts. 80-85 is probably not an issue either unless you are the only one on the road and the cop is bored.

  23. Ohio is a speed trap, especially if you have Michigan plates.

    But it’s also difficult to speed in Ohio, because for some reasons they fucking drive in the left lane all the damned time. Hey, local custom, I get it, but when you come to Michigan, get the fuck out of the left lane, Ohio assholes.

  24. I live in Massachusetts and the flow of traffic is often 15-20 over on the highway and pretty much stays that way throughout the Northeast. Although I find tailgating more concerning than speeding.

    Usually I try to go with the flow of traffic on the highway, limit myself to 10 over on back roads, and stick to the speed limit in residential areas. I have been pulled over once on a back road when I didn’t notice a speed limit drop, but they just let me go.

  25. The majority of New Jersey is very loose with road laws for the most part. The Jersey shore is incredibly strict. Parking tickets, speeding tickets, it’s also the only place I’ve heard of pulling people that look young over to see if they’re past curfew

  26. the most enforced is by far virginia, which is pretty ironic considering how many people basically ignore speed limits above 55

    least enforced has to probably be wyoming/nd/sd

  27. It’s my understanding that they won’t pull you over for less than 90 on I70 in Kansas (75mph speed limit)

  28. In Rhode Island and Massachusetts the speed signs are mere suggestions. Ive done 90 right past staties in Mass and they don’t blink an eye.

    In New Hampshire they pull you over for 2 over. Its a stark contrast doing 85 all the way to the NH border and having staties blow by you, then the second you go through the toll onto NH, the staties are just waiting at the bottom of hills to give you a $200 ticket for doing 56 in and 55.

  29. Virginia’s the only state where I’ve had a friend hauled off to jail for speeding.*

    So I guess I’ll go with that.

    *He’s fine

  30. Of the states that I lived in Maryland/Virginia enforced it the most.

    The least is probably Alabama. But that might only be the city that I live in.

  31. No evidence to back up my theory but I’ll go with Ohio for most and Michigan for least

  32. Idk why but Arizona tickets are INSANE pricy. And ohio cops are shitheads that get off to screwing every day people on speeding

  33. In my adult life i have lived Ohio, Texas and Florida. Sorted from most to least strict

  34. In most of Texas, it’s the flow of traffic, ie keep up with the cars around you…. Except for small towns, then it’s five miles BELOW the posted limit. I’ve gotten pulled over a couple times for going the speed limit in those little towns because “it looked like you were about to speed up”. No joke, direct quote.

  35. West Tennessee seems to be much more lenient than East Tennessee. Kinda wild.

  36. Minnesotans know you don’t speed in Wisconsin. Person I used to work with was driving home from Wisconsin Dells. He got a speeding ticket near Tomah, then got stopped for speeding again at Hudson. At that point they towed his car and hauled him off to the county jail for the night.

  37. I don’t know what these comments about Ohio are. I grew up there and always drove 7 over and never got pulled over. Learned that from my dad who has spent nearly his entire life there and never gotten a speeding ticket.

    My answer is Vermont. When I went, several of my coworkers (in Connecticut) told me as soon as I crossed into Vermont to not go over the speed limit by even 1 mph. I listened to them so didn’t have a problem, but they were so adamant about it, I believe what they were saying.

  38. Virginia, Ohio, and Oklahoma from my experience, *especially* if you’re not on an interstate. New York and Texas were also bad, but they’re incredibly easy to talk out of a ticket.

    As far as most lenient states, California, Oregon, Florida, and Nevada.

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