What’s the funny thing you’ve done in the name of love?

  1. long distance, i was the one to visit all the time without informing my parents, (potential trouble) only to get “I’m too tired to come see you” in return.

  2. Dressed up as her favourite anime character and surprised her at work for her birthday. The funny part was mostly that I have no idea about anime and got the character and outfit totally wrong so just looked like a lunatic. She still liked it ☺️

    Edit: I was 18 and dgaf

  3. His favourite pasta shape got discontinued and when I found it at a deadstock sale I bought like 50 boxes of it.
    I figured we eat a lot of pasta and it doesn’t go off quickly…
    Problem was we don’t have a huge kitchen or lots of storage, so we just had a giant carton full of pasta boxes in our living room for like a year.
    He was super excited though.

  4. Tried to like Ozzy Osbourne’s solo work. The guy I wanted to date (7th grade) was SUPER into Ozzy. I listened to Ozzy for days. Never got the guy. Did fall in love with Black Sabbath though.

  5. I raved about how good my first ever boyfriend did at a choir concert in freshman year of high school. He was TERRIBLE. As a person too but I digress. Noe that I think back on it I CRINGE.

  6. Moved countries, actually smashed university with 4.0 and landed a decent job so that he doesn’t need to worry to provide for us both. Well, it also comes with my own independence

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