So I recently got into a relationship after a break of 3 years. And it’s been two months now. We both feel very happy to have each other. Even though it’s a long distance relationship but we both make enough efforts to keep things lively and attractive between us. Of course we feel the urge to love each other physically, so we tried audio/video teasing and all things people can do in a LDR.
My boyfriend does not cum easily! In all the four times we tried naughty stuff on video call he gets hard, he does everything but I cum first and he only had it once, I tried to delay my thing. But he takes way too long to cum, which is fine but I’m not used to doing things online and I am not good at making someone cum through a video call. I try tho. If i cum first I instantly don’t know what to say anymore, how to make him horny anymore, how to do something that will make him cum??? I think he’s not happy about it but he won’t tell me that. I want him to cum first or just together. I feel so ashamed and heartbroken that I being a female cum sooner than him on audio call and he feels so left out that he has to cut the call and watch porn to jerk off God!! He’s so sweet he doesn’t even wanna hang up, he keeps talking to me about other things, school, life, family, views and what not. But today he sounded a little bit pissed! 😓
Can anyone please tell me how can I help him?

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