So, my husband and I are very compatible in our kinks, boundaries, things we like/don’t like, etc. We also have an incredibly healthy sex life. Like honestly we have sex every day for the most part, sometimes multiple times a day.

Every few months we like to check in, just like when we’re in the car or whatever one of us will just ask, “I just want to check in. Are you satisfied with our sex life? Do you want to try something new?” Etc. it’s always been a good conversation and has given both of us lots of ideas on new things to try. We’ve discovered a lot of likes and dislikes together and tried a ton of new things.

Today we had a bit of a check in and I said I was satisfied and doing well, can’t think of anything new I want to try but I’m all ears if there’s anything new he’d like to try. He also says he is satisfied and very happy with our sex life.

However, he did say it would be nice if I came up with some creative ways to initiate sex or to turn him on. I’m all ears and I’d love some new ways to do this. He’s very creative in his ways to turn me on and initiate. I feel I’ve been pretty creative, but maybe I haven’t. (He didn’t say it in a way that made me feel bad or in a mean way, just wanted to throw that out there)

Can I get some new creative ideas?? I sleep naked, I will randomly just start caressing and rubbing on him, he goes crazy when I kiss down his back or his neck, I will tickle/lightly touch his erogenous zones, send dirty texts/say dirty things, wear lingerie unexpectedly, sit in his lap facing him and grind on him, touch myself when he walks into the room, stuff like that. I’m sure there’s more that I left out.

Does anyone have anything new that I could try? Girls, are there things that you’ve had success with? Guys, what are things your girls do unexpectedly that turn you on?

Thank you in advance!

Tl;Dr: I need new creative ideas on how to unexpectedly initiate sex/drive my husband crazy

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