I've been starting to see a woman who confessed her feelings to me and is attracted to me in a way I find overwhelming (in a good way). We've been steadily messaging, been lightly intimate (touching) one night… But now she's outright asked me to stay the night over the weekend, which obviously I'm all for, however…

I've had a rather uneventful time throughout my 20s, and only recently gave enough of a damn to seriously start treating my Phimosis with a prescribed steroid cream. I don't have the most severe case (I think it was worse in my late teens), but I'm still in the realm of being able to get things stuck if not careful, and outright can barely retract while erect– thus you see the problem this might bring.

My worry is how, or when I should break the condition to her– what doesn't help is she's specifically been rather blunt about her intent to perform oral, I obviously clean as much as is physically possible and use coconut oil to try and shift what can't easily be reached (lest I risk paraphimosis before I can reach it naturally). The funny thing is I know she's aware of it being a thing in some men because of a previous, unprompted conversation. I would like to think this is fixable in a matter of weeks all being well on my end.

How then should I break this news to her, right before things get especially intimate, or given her inclination and admittedly very promiscuous messages on the lead up to this night, sooner?

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