A few things to note here:

1. I am like 90% sure he doesn’t like me back, although he definitely cares a lot about me.

2. He lives on the other side of the country and we’ve only met once in person so a relationship isn’t rly feasible anyway.

3. I’d be telling him really just so he knows the truth. I just am so tired of keeping the secret and having no closure.

4. But if I don’t say anything I will probably get over it anyway when he leaves.

  1. ~~If you had any intentions about trying to get something going with him, I’d say shoot your shot 100%.~~

    ~~But it sounds like you don’t, and this would really just be so you can “hear yourself talk” if you get my meaning?~~

    ~~Why make a friend’s goodbye weird for the sake of adding to the noise pollution problem?~~


    Eh, fuck it. I’m a softie. **TELL HIM!** Just do it, because you never *know* until you *ask*.

  2. He doesn’t like you, doesn’t live near you, and yet you want to burden him with that information so YOU can feel better… ok.

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